Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My First California Earthquake

This morning was the first earthquake I've witnessed in California (I've felt a few rumblings in Illinois). I was a little surprised as to how fast I reacted and jumped into a doorway. I was also a little thankful that there was no one else at my house at the time because I would have defiantly pushed past anyone in my way to get to that doorway. Maybe not...Well probably...I guess we'll never know for sure...But really, in all likeliness I would have...

I'll walk you through what I was thinking during the earthquake. To set the scene: I was sitting on the couch in my room, DS in hand...

Event: The earthquake rolls in.
My Thought: "What the hell kind of construction is happening on the roof?"
The rest of the house joins the roof in shaking.
"Why work on the roof and the apartment underneath me at the same exact time?"
The shaking continues.
"...this is an earthquake."
"...what do I do in case of an earthquake?"
I bound for the doorway and hold onto it, DS still in hand. The house continues to shake.
"Okay this is kind of cool."
The house shakes a little harder.
"There is no way this doorway is going to do anything for me when this building collapses."
"...Crap I just wrote my check for next month..."
I look at the DS in my hand.
"Oh, I left my game going."
I pause my game.
"Nice. Good save, me."
House continues to shake.
"Why did I think about the video game? I feel like more important ideas should be coming to me at a time like this..."

"...I hope the stuff on my desk doesn't fall off."
The earth stops shaking. I stand up straight.
"That was it...?

I nod like I accomplished something. I suddenly stop and look outside.
"Oohhhh, I hope no gas lines broke. A) Because that would be dangerous and B) Because I really want to make Ramen noodles for lunch."
I sit down at my desk.

So that was my experience of the 5.4 earthquake. All of this happened probably within two minutes. The 3.8 aftershock experience was very similar except it lasted somewhere around twenty seconds and I was in the doorway within the first three seconds.


I was made fun of for not embedding (or knowing how to embed) the "What hit them?" animation from youtube. I know how to do it now. Here it is...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

New Blog Title

I've changed the name of my blog from "Jordan Bagwill Eusebio" to "Ewok Dance Party." The reason being is that I've always like the ring of this phrase and thought my name was kind of a boring title for a blog that isn't ridiculously entertaining. A new exciting title makes up for content I imagine is described as, "eh" or at best, "ah."

I'll explain the phrase "Ewok Dance Party" for those of you who haven't heard me describe it. When I was younger I used this phrase to describe the ending of the film Return of the Jedi. Now, I mostly use the phrase to describe movies that end so perfectly for the main characters that there very well could be a final dance party scene in the deleted scenes portion of the DVD. I can't think of an example at the moment, but I will post one when I think of it.

(George Lucas decided that his trilogy ended so well for Luke and the gang that he needed to digitally add the rest of the Star Wars Galaxy having their own dance parties)

Okay, So I Am Back

I haven't posted anything in a while but I promise that I will start uploading regularly from here on in. So keep checking back.

I recently did an animation (using Final Cut and Photoshop) for the artist 'The Frantic Meerkat' of Etsy.com (my mother for those who did not know this). I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. The concept came easily to me because the story is already in the original art piece. Initially I made it as a sort of test animation to see if she liked the style but decided to complete it after the rough cut took me so long. Tell me what you think.

...AND! I'll be back to update soon!