Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Boldly Posting Once Again

It has been quite some time since I've last posted. I blame my last fall semester at Chapman University. I'm not so sure my last spring semester is going to be any easier.

A new year means a list of the books I read last year! You'll see that I was in a very Nonfiction mood last year.

May 05 - "Lincoln" by David Herbert Donald (A Lincoln biography)
May 10 - "Media/Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media" by Shirley Biagi (Text Book)
May 17 - "A People's History of American Empire" by Howard Zinn, Mike Konopacki, and Paul Bahle (A Graphic Novel)
June 10 - "The Age of Missing Information" by Bill McKibben
June 08 - "Images of Our Times: 60 Years of Photography from the LA Times"
July 26 - "Lies My Teacher Told Me" by James W. Loewen (History)
Aug. 08 - "Citizen Soldiers" by Stephen Ambrose (History)
Aug. 15 - "Bone" by Jeff Smith (Graphic Novel)
Aug. 22 - "George Sprott 1894-1975" by Seth (Graphic Novel)
Sep. 03 - "The New Kings of Nonfiction" edited by Ira Glass
Oct. 15 - "Cave in the Snow" by Vicki Mackenzie (Follows a Buddhist Nun)
Nov. 06 - "Shaking the Money Tree" by Morrie Warshawski (How to beg for money)
Nov. 10 - "Liquid Life" by William R. LaFleur (About abortion in Japan)
Nov. 14 - "Good Omens" by Neil Gaimen and Terry Pratchett
Dec. 07 - "Learning True Love" by Sister Chan Khong (A Buddhist Nun talks about her social work)

Let me know if you have any questions about any of these books. I'd love to talk about them. I remember most of them being pretty entertaining.


Unknown said...

Here's a question for you: "Why so serious?"

Actually, I've been getting more into nonfiction myself, though I didn't manage to read as many as you last year. Which do you recommend most?

Morrie Warshawski said...

I'm so pleased to see my book (SHAKING THE MONEY TREE) on your list! I hope you found it helpful. The one thing I would say is that the book is not about how to "beg" for money since I believe that "begging" is counterproductive to good fundraising. I'm sure you were being facetious. Anyway, good luck this new decade with raising money for all your projects.
(PS I just published a brand new completely rewritten 3rd edition)

Hi, I'm Jordan Eusebio said...

My three favorites from last year (from lightest to heaviest) were "The New Kings of Nonfiction," "Lies My Teacher Told Me," and "Lincoln."

Right now I'm reading "Guns, Germs, and Steel" which is really interesting. National Geographic did a documentary based on the book. You should watch it if you have three hours. I will warn you that, during the last episode, the narrator says the phrase "Guns, Germs and Steel" a ridiculous amount of times (Actually, I might have had a dream where that happened, I can't remember).


Let me know if you read any of them or have any suggestions!

Thanks for writing your book! I've been increasingly interested in documentary film and I anticipate that your book will help me greatly in actually making my ideas a reality. I'll have to check out the 3rd edition!

Anonymous said...

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Pedro Garcia Millan said...



You see, Bush Sr., & Jr., Clinton, Regan, Carter, Obama, Ford...ALL these presidents are in what is dubbed a SECRET SOCIETY called The Moloch Axis Demoniacs (i coined the phrase myself...Dr. A.P. and i don't use my full name because WHO knows WHAT sinister crap they'd do to me IF they found out?) or M.A.D. for short.

These people, and there’s obviously more of them (Cheney, Rumsfeld etc.) than the ones mentioned, control KEY positions not just in government, business, society etc. They are GRADUALLY erroding MORAL/FAMILY VALUES in society. SO gradual that it's like hairloss! You see it ever so slowly and you have to be a keen eye to boot!

For example, women in the workforce...they go to work so WHO takes care of the kids? Some goofs getting minimum wage who could care less about those kids. Family split apart because NOW both parents work and the cost of life itself purposely increased to perpetuate this separation. Kids grow up with NO moral/family values. Repeat this a few generations and before you know it, you have mindless zombies that don't know RIGHT from WRONG! Easily programmable to get in debt, be anti-christ-like etc.

Also, the coming mark of the beast 666. Remember HOW it all used to be ca$h only? Then they introduced checks, then credit cards to get yourself in serious financial troubles, then ATM cards, and now that STUPID SWIPE-PASS card. What is the purpose of all this? To get people broken down enough and stupid enough through putting FLUORIDE in the drinking water and ASPERTAME in soda drinks/pop cans so we ALL can accept the 666 chip. So NOBODY can buy or sell or own ANYTHING lest he has the mark of the beast (anti-christ) which is 666.

I can go on for days & days as to the subtleties and more examples but i think you all SEE the points i make here. It's all SUBTLE and GRADUAL negative changes day in & day out that these M.A.D. demons (because they are demonic and have placed their trust in demons in exchange for their souls and material possessions here on earth) are passing into laws in Canada, USA, UK, SPAIN, FRANCE etc.